Abdul Qadir Silat from Karachi developed Pakistan's first AI teacher, known as Hex-Man. This represents a milestone in technology in Pakistan that could lead to significant improvements in education as well as business operations.
Hex-Man, an AI teacher, is poised to disrupt Pakistan's education and business environment. With its innovative way of doing things, this AI teacher will benefit students, teachers, parents, and workers worldwide. Their goal is to improve learning so more people can access knowledge quickly and efficiently.
Guinness World Records has taken notice of Hex-Man and has applauded it, proposing to make it an AI teacher and praising the new concept. This recognition shows that Pakistan can keep up with new technologies.
Hex-Man demonstrates that technology will improve education and make learning fun and personal.
Hex-Man will play a crucial part in shaping the way the education and training system operates in Pakistan, creating an environment where technology plays a key role in society.